The Textbook
Although officially titled “Magnet Accelerated Mathematics III” according to the Georgia Performance Standards, I have renamed it to reflect what it really is: precalculus.
The textbook I use is by Michael Sullivan and Michael Sullivan III, called Precalculus: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, fourth edition. When the magnet school began, I was the first precalculus teacher (then the course was called “analysis”). It was up to me to pick the book, and I chose the second edition of their book Precalculus: Graphing and Data Analysis. That book was phased out in favor of the current title, which is just as good. I was impressed with the examples and the easiness of the reading, as well as the helpful graphing calculator hints and instructions. The fourth edition continues to be impressive.
The syllabus
The course syllabus makes reference to the textbook chapter and sections.
Including all course names (“analysis”, “precalculus”, “accelerated math III”), the 12-13 school year was the seventh year I have taught some variation of precalculus since the 01-02 school year. I now no longer teach this course.